Singing Guide: Lauren Aquilina

Singing Guide: Lauren Aquilina

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing like Lauren Aquilina

Lauren Aquilina is a British singer, songwriter, and musician who has captured many hearts worldwide with her ethereal voice and soulful lyrics. Her unique style is defined by soaring, emotive melodies and poetic lyrics, blending indie-pop with a touch of folk and electronica. Lauren's distinctive vocal technique and stage presence make her a role model for aspiring singers who want to explore new ways of expressing themselves.

Techniques Used by Lauren Aquilina:

  • Voice Registers & Vocal Break: Lauren has an impressive vocal range, moving seamlessly between her chest voice, mixed voice, and head voice. She uses her vocal break as a dynamic tool, transitioning between different registers to create a unique emphasis on certain lyrics.
  • Vibrato: Lauren often uses vibrato in her singing to add expressiveness and emotional depth to her voice. Vibrato is a subtle, controlled variation in pitch that creates a warm, vibrating quality to the voice.
  • Belting: Lauren uses belting in her singing to add power and intensity to her voice, particularly on high notes. Belting requires excellent breath support and the ability to open up the chest voice.
  • Open Mouth & Throat: Lauren's singing involves keeping her mouth and throat open to create a clear, resonant sound. This technique requires conscious vocal placement and support from the diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles.

How to Learn Singing like Lauren Aquilina:

  1. Find Songs Matching Your Vocal Range: Lauren's songs often have a wide range of notes, so it's essential to find the right songs that suit your vocal range and capabilities. Use the Singing Carrots search tool to explore songs that align with your unique vocal needs.
  2. Pitch Training: Lauren's vocal technique demands excellent pitch accuracy. The pitch training module at Singing Carrots can help you develop your pitch accuracy and control through a range of interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.
  3. Take the Singing Course: The 21-lesson singing course is an excellent resource for aspiring singers who want to improve their technique, theory, and practice. The course covers vocal health, breath support, voice registers, pitch accuracy, vibrato, belting, and much more.
  4. Explore Famous Singers' Vocal Ranges: You can explore the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers at Singing Carrots, including Lauren Aquilina. Understanding the vocal ranges of your favorite singers can help you develop an ear for different singing techniques and styles.
  5. Analyze Your Voice: To learn to sing like Lauren Aquilina, you need to have a deep understanding of your own voice, including your vocal range, timbre, strengths, and weaknesses. Use the tools at Singing Carrots to analyze your voice and develop a strategy for improvement.

Songs Showcasing Lauren Aquilina's Vocal Technique:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.